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Friday, September 27, 2013

The Crazy Ones

I'm just popping in here to tell y'all about the new Dramedy "The Crazy Ones." It's about a Chicago-based ad agency run by Simon Roberts, played by Robin Williams & his daughter, Sydney, played by Sarah Michelle Gellar. I'm not sure what I'm more excited about; the return of Mork or the return of Buffy!


Robin is his usual crazy/funny/weird self & Sarah is her usual snarky/fashionista/clever self. I don't know if it's going to take off but I loved it! Created by David E. Kelley, who is the guy who brought us L.A. Law, Picket Fences, Chicago Hope, Ally McBealThe Practice and Boston Legal... among others.

What I also loved was that fact that their first ad pitch is to McDonald's, which if you don't know is hilarious because as a wee one Sarah Michelle did an ad for Burger King and was sued (yes, personally sued) by McDonald's and could not even enter one ...supposedly, ever again. Yet, here we are, 2013 and there is an Awesome shot of Sarah Michelle's profile with the McD's logo behind her.


The pilot episode also featured cameos by Gail O'Grady and the inimitable Kelly Clarkson (as herself).

Check out The Crazy Ones on CBS on Thursdays at 9/8c. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Why I stopped taking my meds

I am not anti-medication by any means, and I believe in seeking medical intervention because not doing so can be dangerous, even deadly. However, I have recently stopped taking a lot of my medications OR really, just reducing the amount (yes, under the direction of my dr., no worries, I'm not completely moronic!).

Recently I have been taking up to five medications daily and that does not include the vitamin supplements that I also take (vitamin A, Super B, C, iron, potassium & a multi). I still take a blood pressure medication (which I have not stopped or reduced).

What have I stopped taking? For starters I have reduced my anti-depressant (currently taking Cymbalta) and I want to tell you why. The why is important to me, and maybe to others who suffer from chronic clinical depression, like I do. I found that I stopped feeling anything while taking the full prescribed dose. Mind you, I take it so that I can function like a "normal" person. What I don't want is to be an emotional Zombie (although I love zombies, doesn't mean I want to be one!). I want to feel sensitivity and compassion. I want to be emotionally moved when I see or hear something that should make us feel something. I found that I felt nothing and I don't think that's healthy. I think that's almost as unhealthy as feeling everything, which is kind of what depression feels like, sometimes.

I don't mind tearing up over bad news or a heartwarming tale. I think that is a normal emotional response. A human response and I don't want to lose that. So I reduced the amount of anti-depressant I take and I am still able to cope while also feeling something for my fellow human beings, which matters to me.

The other things I'm not taking are for my (supposed) Fibromyalgia symptoms. Specifically I take Gabapentin (stopped) and a muscle relaxer (which I take as needed-which is what the bottle says to do). I am surprised and Very Pleased to report that I am not only functioning well, but am also able to push myself a little further than before.


I still maintain that I suffer from postherpetic neuralgia (aka; after Shingles nerve pain) and not Fibromyalgia and since I am no longer needing the medication I am convinced I was right.
I still have some symptoms related to my hyperparathyroidism (specifically the high amount of calcium in my blood) which I am having treated and hope to be at least to 90% soon (100% might be too much to ask so I'd be happy with 90!).

I am just so happy to be in this place and not having to rely on so much medication just to function.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The First Day of School

Hulk started school August 12th. That kind of stunk for him because he had to get up early, get dressed and ready and off every morning while the rest of us got to sleep in, watch TV (or in Batman’s case Captain Sparklez on YouTube *RollingMyEyes*!) and DO NOTHING all day.

Captain America (aka Cap) and Batman started today. Cap is a Junior in high school (Already?) and Batman started Middle School or 6th grade. Hulk is a Sophomore but he is in another school district because they have a better program and more secure campus than we do.

The point is that this morning I was bored.

How many times can you check Facebook in an hour? Part of me thinks I need a job (because I have been bored a lot lately) but mostly I think I just need to buckle down and do the things that need doing. Like the laundry. Ick. I guess I could make dinner at 10 AM, that would free up my day.

Or write a book.

There’s an idea.

I was surprised that I actually missed my kids and on the FIRST DAY BACK TO SCHOOL I actually started looking forward to next summer. ::sigh:: What am I going to do with me?

That’s all crazy talk!

So here’s the thing, September is like January for me. I had my birthday yesterday, the kids are all back in school (even Princess is starting school this week!) and I’m thinking about what I need to do. I need to keep up the house so it doesn’t overwhelm me again. My family cleaned the house (yes, I helped) as part of my birthday gift yesterday. Yes, it’s unbelievably appreciated. Since I can’t even vacuum lately. We even put pictures up, since we’ve been in this place for two years and looks like we’ll be here at least for another year… ::sigh::

I am also starting a class this week. I started Spanish 100 to complete my foreign language requirement. Spanish is helpful where I live (near Los Angeles) and beneficial for being in the schools (which is what I want to do) so I’m okay with it. Nervous, but okay.

I like working on my goals every three months or so. I always have goals. Sometimes I am more energetic than others in that I think I can do more than I end up actually doing, but then isn’t it better to aim for the moon and reach the stars? I think so. So one of the things I will be working on this week is figuring out which areas of my life I really want to improve. I already know what they are I just have to isolate the actions needed to accomplish those goals.

Go me!

And my kids? They are actually happy to be back in school too. We do better when he have a set schedule. I know I do and that means we all do.

Monday, September 2, 2013

50 Things To Be Happy About

1. Today is my birthday!
2. I am not 50!
3. I have two more years to “get it right.”
4. I have an awesome family
5. That I love very Very much!
6. I have a lot of amazing friends
7. Online and offline
8. Who inspire me to be better everyday
9. I have amazing parents
10. Who are still alive and support me
11. And called me today to sing to me (I love it!)
12. I have one best friend outside my bloodline that
13. Is my sister in every way that matters.
14. I have five brothers
15. Two are waiting for me in heaven
16. And I believe that!
17. I love and admire my oldest brother and who he is.
18. I love my younger brother who is also my writing partner, business associate and
19. One of my very best friends.
20. I love my “baby” brother, who makes me laugh
21. All. The. Time.
22. And I admire who he is and his opinions.
23. I love my husband.
24. He is also my best friend and
25. Favorite person to spend time with.
26. He makes me want to be better.
27. I have two beautiful daughters (and I’m not just saying that).
28. My oldest daughter is valiant, hard working and
29. I don’t worry about her decisions
30. Even though I do worry about her (of course!)
31. Daughter #2 is fun and beautiful and
32. I’m happy to have her around
33. She’s just fun.
34. My oldest son is a ROCK!
35. My middle son teaches me patience and makes me feel loved.
36. My baby is spoiled and I like spoiling him.
37. I love where I live
38. I like learning
39. I have hobbies I enjoy
40. I get vacations and “time off”
41. My birthday is the beginning of the holidays
42. I am a Christian
43. I am a Mormon
44. I get to stay home with my kids
45. I get to go to school
46. I get to work with my family doing what I love, Writing!
47. I believe in forgiveness, especially forgiving myself
48. Failure is a learning experience.
49. I have more time to keep being better
50. I’m old but I’m not that old.