The main reason I'm bothered by it is because I feel unhealthy. Bleck. Also, and kind of important to me, my clothes don't fit anymore. I actually had to buy a couple of outfits in a bigger size. NOOOO! This makes me so very sad! I have forgiven myself because over the last year I know my health took a hit when I got Shingles for the third time and that became Fibromyalgia. I am still trying to figure out what will, can and does work for me. In the meantime, here are my biggest weaknesses.
1. Sweets:
I can't just say "candy" or "cookies" because it's both. I know my "cheating" started last Halloween because I decided to indulge on some Reese's cups. I love them. I missed them. I also indulged at Thanksgiving. My mother's Pecan Pie is To. Die. For. (I have mentioned this--lol). I also made a killer Pumpkin Cinnamon pull-apart bread thing (drizzling with butter). And the Brownie-Oreo-Chocolate-Chip-Cookie monstrosity. I made that a few times over the holidays last year. Mmmmm. Yummy. Oh and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough... Yummy! (But so wrong, I know.)
2. Bread:
Especially my own homemade bread. And rolls. Yummy. I make these Delicious Sweet Potato rolls for Thanksgiving and Christmas. They are hard to resist. But really I just miss bread. I have always loved bread.
3. Potatoes:
Another one of my absolute favorite foods that are so bad for my blood sugar. Even sweet potatoes are semi-taboo and sometimes I have found trying to substitute a sweet potato for a Russet just doesn't do it for me.
4. Cereal:
It's the easiest breakfast (lunch and dinner, anyone?) on the planet. It's crunchy, sometimes sweet (sometimes too sweet), it's "wholesome" or at least you are led to believe it is. I am not that picky either. I mean I don't really like sugary cereals but I like granola, corn flakes, Corn Chex, Cheerios, Special K, Honey Bunches of Oats (HELLO!) and UGH! They are all bad for my blood sugar!
5. Ice cream:
You know, it's weird because I was not a huge ice cream fan or eater before I got married. Superman loves it and I kind of got hooked through him. There are a couple of flavors I can't resist; Chocolate Chip Cookie dough is one. And it's hard to resist the swirl cup at Costco (that is technically yogurt, but still).

So there it is. All the things I had removed from my diet that slowly eked there way back in and that's why I'm struggling. I must resist but some days it just feels like Resistance is Futile!
I don't believe in diets. I think it is a matter of being mindful of what you put in your mouth. Cutting stuff out never works for me. However making compromises does work for me. A little more movement and I can eat what I want within reason. A little less movement and I have to really watch what goes in.