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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Report 3/40

1. Christmas Movie: I watched two today 12 Dates of Christmas with Amy Smart & Mark-Paul Gosselaar which I really liked and will probably watch again with Princess, it's her kind of movie. and Snowglobe with Christina Milian, which was mostly lame. I kept waiting for her to "wake up" ala Dorothy Gale in Wizard of Oz but she never did and so unbelievable. ::sigh:: Too bad. Anyway, it had a nice message about Family and the Perfect Christmas is whatever Your Christmas is. Tomorrow I am watching It's a Wonderful Life. Yes. I. Am!

2. House & Home: Still working on Laundry. I organized my meds (because I am afraid that I might take them twice).

3. Write: Blog is up-to-date, and now I will write & work on homework.

4. Serve: I helped Princess figure out her school strategy. Considering I don't feel well, that's the best I can do.

5. Pray & Read Scriptures: Prayed this morning. Still have time to get the scripture thing in tonight but not sure I will. Working on PM prayers because they are a challenge.


  1. Okay, so I like this because I too am watching holiday movies! We've got to compare schedules! I don't want to miss a one! By the way is this 3 out of 40? is that what 3/40 means?

  2. That is exactly what it means!


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