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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks.

There is no way I could let this day go by without talking about Giving Thanks and Gratitude! Rather than think about the Pilgrims that came here I spend this day thinking about the subsequent generations that may or may not have made the best choices, but those choices have led to my being able to enjoy a life free of tyranny and oppression. Unlike some, I have lived in other countries. I can say without hesitation that I am proud to be an American. I am proud to live in the United States. I am grateful for those who gave their lives so I can be free to pursue happiness in my life and encourage my children to be whoever they want to be.

For me Thanksgiving is about Family. Yes, of course it's about Food, yummy Yummy food! However, I also think about those who are no longer with us. I think fondly of holidays past when we laughed and shared moments that are indelible memories and can never be taken from me. One of the reasons I love the Winter Holidays is because from Halloween on we are encouraged give, give thanks, give of ourselves and yes, give gifts (which I believe should be a reflection of love and gratitude for a person, not a monetary symbol). 

Giving of yourself is the greatest gift you can give a person. Be thankful today for someone who gave for you; a mother, a soldier, an historical figure, a religious leader. While Thanksgiving is a holiday particular to America (Canada has one in October--we call it Columbus Day) I believe every day should be a day of thanks. And if you don't believe me then check out this website! I am going to spend the next few weeks checking out what this guy has to say about Gratitude and how it can change your life. I know it did for me. I know it can for anyone who wants to find greater joy and peace.

Happy Thanksgiving and may all your days be filled with thanks!

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