True story.
I love Zombies.
What oh what to do with me, I know.
It’s not that I love love them, of course not, they want to
eat my brains and flesh.
That would be bad.
I love the movies.
Here’s the thing. I am not a “horror” person. I don’t mind
being afraid, I mean the only reason I don’t ride roller-coasters anymore isn’t
because I don’t want to be scared out of my wits but because I end up in bed
for three days recovering. That’s not fun.
I don’t like the falling rides though. Those aren’t rides.
Being hauled by your armpits up a gazillion feet and then dropped is not a
ride. That’s suicide disguised as fun. I want no part of that.
But the AH! And OH! As you intake your breath because
Yesterday I discovered that The Walking Dead, Season 2 was
finally on Netflix. I proceeded (after watching Bones, of course) to spend the
rest of my day watching Zombies. Or rather, the survivors battling the Zombies
along with all the drama that comes from a society crumbling to bits in chaos.
Oh wait.
Yes, I also listened to the debate (lack of TV but I do
have a car radio, lol). Oh. Boy. I am looking forward to more debates. That was
interesting and enlightening. Did it sway me? Yeah, a little. It really depends
on what your biggest issues are and since I don’t want to get into a political
debate here I’ll let it go for now… Talk about it later because right now I
want to talk about Zombies!
So the Zombies of The Walking Dead got that way from some
illness? It’s a little unclear because they keep unraveling the “How it
happened” over time. One thing is certain; if you are bitten you are “infected”
and will “turn.” The new thing you become is dead but alive and craving brains.

I also love Zombieland. I hear they might make another one
and that would ROCK! Jesse Eisenberg (I want to call him Zuckerberg! LOL) has a
list of rules. They are hilarious and the movie is fun and pretty well done…
considering the Zombies.
I’m still interested in seeing Shaun of the Dead but not so
much Night of the Living Dead, or its remake, although I did like the version they did of it on
I have no idea how I got this way.
I don’t know when it started. I think it was Season 1 of The Walking Dead. It was so well done that I kind of became a Zombie aficionado. That’s when I started looking into other
movies and saw Zombieland.
Now it’s kind of a fetish.
Season 3 starts October 14th. But I won't get to watch it for another year.
I am a fan. LOVED Zombieland. Shaun of the Dead is in my opinion #2just behind Zombielad but I loved it as well. I'm not a huge fan of Night of the Living Dead but I believe it is the humor. I want my zombies with a dose of laughter. I want to be a little tongue and cheek.