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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What's Not To Love?

Anxious as I was for the new Bones episode to arrive I wasn’t able to watch it until late this afternoon. And (SPOILER ALERT) doggone-it-all the bad guy is loose so you know it will be another season of cyber-crime. 

Lots of Booth and Brennan kissing. 

David Boreanaz… I hear he’s a jerk but he’s sweet to watch. ::sigh::

I love this show because I am enthralled with the whole crime solving through the body and bugs and all that. It started with Law & Order then moved into the CSIs and now I’m totally into Bones

I also like Psych but since we’re only getting Hulu-Plus and Netflix for TV I have to either pay for it (had to pay for CSI or watch it on the desktop) I missed all last season of Psych. Superman isn’t crazy about that show, which I don’t understand, maybe because Shawn is so sarcastic. I’m not sure but the word-play between Shawn and Gus makes me laugh my butt off.

I am reading A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula LeGuin. I am interested in fantasy and Storywonk is doing an analysis of the book at the end of September so I want to be prepared. It’s a lot of narrative. I have a Diana Gabaldon (Outlander) and an Eloisa James (Duchess in Love) waiting to be read. 

It’s called Research. Yay!

In the meantime I have been putting off my school work. Ugh. I have to get some done tonight so this will be short. 

Still considering how I want to write a review (no spoilers? Really? I don’t know if I can do that!) but I think I need to read a bunch (of reviews, reading of books is a no-brainer!) and I don’t do that so much. I like to read movie reviews…

Which, by the way, The Avengers movie is coming out on DVD on Tuesday, September 25th. Squee!


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