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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Foot Fetish

Today I have a Guest Blogger! I asked my friend Julie (LIKE her page!) to write some beauty blogs for me because ... well, because. She has a few pots in the fire as you'll notice when you read what she wrote. 
So without further ado...

Feet are gross. Especially in the summer. You know what I’m talking about-- flip-flop season. The time of year when your soles are rough, dry, and chapped. While foot care is something I try to keep up with all year round, I just don’t. I’m not even gonna lie; it’s because I’m lazy.

However, in the spring and summer months, it becomes much more crucial. Therefore, a quick, 30-minute foot regimen is an easy way to keep your tootsies looking and feeling wonderful.

Here’s my super easy Four-Step Foot Bath:

Step 1: Fill a tub, bucket, or bowl (whatever works best for you) with nice, warm water. I love     mine really hot, but you don’t have to burn your feet off like I do ;) Drop a foot bath fizzy in while you’re filling it up. Relax and let your feet soak for about 15 minutes. (This is my favorite part… I’m sure you can tell why).

A “foot bath fizzy” you say? What’s that? While you can find some just about anywhere that has a foot care aisle, I highly recommend Me Time Boutique’s version. Why? Because um… they’re awesome. And- full disclosure- I make them! Aside from being affordable, you can get them custom-made in the color of your choice and there’s even a few different scents to choose from. Typically, though, Peppermint is the way to go. Me Time Boutique’s version of these foot bath fizzies also include baking soda, which is awesome for killing some of that foot odor.

Step 2: Once you’ve soaked for about 15 minutes, use a small amount of foot scrub to scrub away            dead and dry skin. You can use it on your entire foot or just on problem areas. Get ready for another shameless plug… Yes! Me Time Boutique makes foot scrub! Made with sugar and olive oil, MTB’s foot scrubs are also customizable (you choose the color and scent).
Step 3: Got your feet all scrubbed up? Good! Now dunk your feet back in your tub of water and rinse off the scrub. Once you get it all off, pat your feet dry.

Step 4: Once your feet are dry, finish off with your favorite foot lotion/balm. My personal favorite (oh, c’mon, you KNEW I was going to recommend one!) is Mary Kay’s Mint Bliss Energizing Lotion for Feet & Legs. The great thing about this lotion is that you can also put it on over sheer hosiery (for those ladies who might need to sneak a little lotion onto their feet at work).

That’s it! Enjoy your fresh, soft feet!

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