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Friday, January 18, 2013

Glycemic Load

I learned something new this week! I learned about Glycemic Load. The Glycemic Index has gotten a lot of attention the last decade or so but this is the first time (that I remember) hearing about Glycemic Load. Basically the Glycemic Index tells you how much a piece of food will increase you blood glucose levels while the Glycemic Load has more to do with available glucose for energy. Basically the Glycemic Load has to do more with the effect of the glycemic carbohydrate level to your body.

Wow, not sure if I can explain it but I got the difference.

So my goal is to be familiar with not only the Low Glycemic Index but the know the Glycemic Load or the impact of those carbs on my body. That seems to be how my body functions and I have to be careful of the impact of the carbs I eat.

Erm. Well. I guess I get what I'm talking about and it really excited me because I have been so confused.

I also have decided that I am going to be doing a monthly juice detox/fast. I'm planning on doing it for three days and I'm currently researching the different recipes. From what I understand I can have as much Fresh, homemade (from preferably organic) fruits and vegetables. I really like the Mean Green juice from Joe Cross but I'm looking at other juices as well. Surprisingly I really like the fresh Ginger, cucumbers and green apples in my juices. Kale? Not so much, but I know it's good for me. I also like spinach, herbs, parsley and cilantro.


I plan on doing those the first week of the month. Then going low glycemic load and watching my calorie intake.

I'm feeling much more in control and less confused about my "diet" or rather, my eating plan.

I can do this for the rest of my life.
Also, earlier today I saw a post about Fibromyalgia and exercise. Basically it said to know your body and the time cycles. Be aware of how you feel and then you can participate in a variety of exercise programs to help you. Here are the tips:

Exercise at the time of day that you feel best. For many people with fibromyalgia, this is between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. But your best time may be different.Stretch. This can help warm up your muscles and minimize pain after exercise. You can stretch while lying down, standing, or sitting in a chair. Some people may find it helpful to stretch in a warm bath or shower.Take small steps. When walking, try not to swing your arms too much or take big steps. Walk on flat, even surfaces to reduce your risk of falling.Ease into strength training. For strengthening exercises, consider using elastic bands instead of weights and start with a single set of repetitions.Pace yourself. When doing stretching or strengthening exercises, alternate sides often and take a short rest between repetitions.Take breaks. Again, listen to your body. “When I was first starting, I’d rest after just a few minutes of exercise,” Matallana says. “Don’t be afraid to go as slowly as you need to.”Pamper yourself afterward. When you’re finished exercising, take a hot shower or bath.


  1. Sounds like a plan =)

  2. I got diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia last October. It's such pain trying to figure out what to eat and when in order to keep my glycemic level where it should be but I feel so much better! I also do a juice fast about every 2 months for 3 days (I modify it, I pass out if I have just juice). Let me know if you need any recipes or support!

    1. Do you think it's okay if I supplement with Naked juice? They are smoothies and not juice but it's already made & sometimes it's easier.


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