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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Book Review: The Message

The Message

by Lance Richardson

Published by American Family Publications, 2000.

Paperback, 154 pages.

Listed: $12.95 (My husband gave me his copy to read that he received as a gift from our daughter.)

Book Description

On Christmas Day, 1998, Lance Richardson was involved in an accident which later left him in a comatose state for several weeks. While his body was being kept alive by medical support equipment, his spirit passed into the world beyond. In "The Message," Lance describes his experience in the world of spirits and delivers to us a message giving a greater understanding of the importance of families and the future of America. He was also taught concerning a most important principle of their society of peace, which, if followed by the people of this great nation, would rescue us from self-destruction.


Normally I don't think I would add a review of what I consider a "religious" book but the message was so good and so powerful I decided I would go ahead do a review of this book. Basically this is a retelling of a man's NDE (Near Death Experience) and his visit to the "other side." I was deeply touched by his descriptions of "heaven" (which he called "Paradise" in the "Spirit World") as they were very similar to other descriptions I have read. "I had never seen such vibrant, brilliant color," he writes (p.52). "Leaves and sprigs carried varieties of color such as crimson, gold, blazing yellows of fire, shades of green and blue, and deep blood-red." 

When you have lost a loved one in death you tend to gravitate toward stories and books that share experiences of those that have visited beyond "the Veil." Telling of meeting loved ones that have passed on brought me much comfort. I was moved to tears thinking of my loved ones in such a beautiful (and busy!) place. It made me happy. This message alone was enough but then he tells that he was taught lessons that he was supposed to bring back. He was given a reason to come back to life and share this story. 

And what is this great message?


He explains that giving service to others is Love in Action. 
"Service is the action from of loving one another. When you truly love someone, you seek to serve them. Your concerns are for their happiness and welfare." (p. 117) He further admonishes that service starts in the home, then your neighbors and community, then extended family -- or, "the brothers and sisters of our nation." 
Wow. This is great stuff!
I have said for years that we love who we serve. Basically, Mr. Richardson states that we need to cultivate a loving society. 
Peace on earth!
What a remarkably beautiful message. Seriously.

I texted my husband as soon as I finished this book with this simple phrase. "Wow. We need to do more."
He responded, "I know."
I highly recommend this book, however keep in mind that it is a story told from the point of view of a religious, Mormon man. 

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