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Friday, January 4, 2013

Another Traveling Day

We came home from our "Christmas Vacation" on Friday. It wasn't a bad drive, it's not too long either, only about five hours. We stopped at Costco on the way home and got most of our shopping done, just a few odds and ends.

My diet starts Monday.

Now, remember, I don't believe in Diets, per se, and after watching Hungry for a Change, I am just going to do what they recommend. The biggest changes to my diet will be in sweets and simple carbs. I plan on incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables. Reducing and/or eliminating high glycemic foods. I got a little mouth when I nearly blew a gasket over the, "Pick either canned chicken versus the pre-grilled chicken strips," ("They're Different Things!") but ended up with both. 

I am loved.

I know this works and that's why I'm refocusing. No more Oreos or that amazing Brownie/Oreo/Chocolate-chip Cookie concoction. It's back to the low-carb sweets and natural yummies.

I really liked Hungry for a Change! It talks about the same things that Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead and the Crazy, Sexy Cancer people talk about. It's basically about getting the right kinds of food into your body and instead of treating illness with medicines using food for good health. I totally agree with this. There was even blurbs by Dr. Andrew Weil (who I LOVE) and Dr. Christiane Northrup, both of whom I have read and followed their advice before.

Good stuff.

And also I plan to move more. Three days of "toning" in the sense of Yoga and stretching and three days of cardio, running, walking or Walgging as I like to call it.

And we're off!


  1. My husband is doing this weight lost program this week. It's called Reset, it's part of the home base business we are doing, USANA True health. It's a low glycemic, low in saturated fat, it's only for 5 days.

    Then the next week, he will be working out and keep maintaining and losing the weight. It's an exellent weight lost problem :)

  2. Thanks Kendra, I'll check that out. :)


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