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Monday, December 3, 2012


You may or may not be an "official" Mommy but chances are good you have some Mommyness in you. It's kind of a combination of Awesome + Crazy that just allows you survive from day to day. My Mommyness factor is kind of on the high end today.

First, Nanowrimo is over and I couldn't be happier. Granted it's a self-imposed burden but one I feel just the same. I have enough on my plate as it is without adding the stress of 50,000 words in a month. But... Truth be told I should be able to do that on any given month. Since my personal goal is 2000 words a day of fiction writing I should be able to knock out 32-60K a month! Except I don't count Sundays... ever. So that would knock it down to 52K. But I also struggle on Fridays & Saturdays because my family is home and they require about 98% of my energy & attention span so that knocks it down to 32K a month. See, that is totally do-able. Except of course, during the holidays. Hahaha. 

So if I'm a real writer I have to make time for it even during the holidays, which is do-able. My kids get it. They want me to write (even though I think they don't believe it will go anywhere, it doesn't really matter to me if they think that... I'm doing it anyway!), they give me ideas and suggestions, actually. So I know I have their support. Even if most of it is tongue in cheek. 

This morning I dropped off Pop early to school because he is spending the week in Malibu for Outdoor Science School. Lucky Dog. I want to go to Malibu! We had to buy him water socks and an extra pair of pants. Curious to see how he does. He's not one for showers without prompting, although the paperwork says they will be "prompted" to shower, brush their teeth, etc. Uh huh. That kids socks.... phew!

It's going to be mighty strange with only two kids at home for a week. I almost don't know what to do with myself... Oh Wait. YES I DO! ParTay! haha Not really. 

Actually, this morning I spent quite a bit of time going through recipes to make a list of all the things I want to make (i.e.; bake) for Christmas this year. I am so excited to make treats and other goodies! I used to make a lot of stuff but then life got overwhelming and I haven't. One year I think I made two or three different kinds of cookie dough and they stayed in the fridge until after Christmas. ::sigh:: That kind of stunk. I don't want to do that this year. 

Some of the things on the list include the Christmas Eve meal. I read about a Dutch tradition of The Dutch Coffee Table, which basically is just a table full of "serve-yourself" type dishes. It includes fruit, rolls and cold cuts as well as treats. I plan on making some Saucijbroodjes (which translates to Pigs in a Blanket -- but not the kind made of hot dogs & crescent roll dough), Speculaas (spice cookies) and a pumpkin bundt cake. YUMMY! I also hope to add Chex Muddy Buddies for the kiddos since they love it so much.

I am also planning on making Cinnamon Rolls for Christmas morning that will go with whatever's left on the Dutch Coffee Table. And while I'm being too lazy to go grab the little book I read that out of (to find the actual Dutch version, because when I Google it I get actual coffee tables, ugh) I found an amazing online source for All Things Dutch-y, Actually called The Dutch Table... and on Blogger, no less! Yay! Superman is 100% Dutch, FYI. And if that didn't tell you enough about him for volumes, I don't know what will.

So, some of the things on the list include; fudge, Candy Cane Chocolate Chip Cookies, Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies, Jam Thumbprint Cookies, Cinnamon Candy Popcorn (made with Red Hots & Butter--YUM!), Pumpkin cookies, English Toffee Bars, and if I can find decent recipes I will make Sugar Cookies (I'm extremely picky) and single-serving size Brownie-Oreo-Chocolate Chip Cookies. O.M.Gee those are the most delicious things on the planet! I am waiting for a good Brownie recipe from my niece (we agree on texture/flavor). And. Of course, I am making my Mom's Famous (or Infamous) Pecan Pie. It's to Die For, I kid you not. I might make some kind of lemon cookie or Lemon Bars? I'm also considering Gingerbread Men but since I'm making the Speculaas they are pretty much the same thing (actually, the Speculaas are way better!) so probably not.

The Sugar Cookie recipe search is on again. I was all gung-ho a few years ago and came up empty for a satisfactory recipe. I like them SOFT like the kind you find at a bakery. Why is that so hard to find? 

So for Christmas this year I am giving myself Food. LOL

Tomorrow is an IEP for Crackle. ::sigh:: I'm anxious. 

Snap got his phone taken away because of his grades. Meh. Sucks for everyone. I, however, got a new Samsung Galaxy SIII on Friday. Wow. I finally figured out how to answer it yesterday. Haha.

Princess & Sunshine are doing well. I am excited to be with them for TWO WHOLE WEEKS over the holidays! Today, I think, we are putting up our tree. Superman and Snap put lights on the house on Saturday. It took the ALL Day! All. Day! Superman never does anything less than 100%. (See the Dutch thing above.) I thought he would just put up a few icicles but no, I got colored lights, icicles and even a few blinkies! Clark Griswold would be ... well, not proud, but compared to last year we're a virtual power plant!

The tree will pretty much take up our entire living space. Ugh. We have a fake tree. We decided when the kids were little to get a fake tree so we would have more money for presents. I miss the smell but every year I've gotten branches to "make a wreath" it hasn't happened. Maybe this year because my parents are coming... Did I mention that? That's why the food planning and the thinking ahead and I requested lights on the house. We are having company. Not sure where we're all going to sit, but hey, it could be worse! (This house is about the size of the Ingalls cabin on Little House on the Prairie, FYI. Except I do have a better kitchen.) 

Bring it on! Mommy-Ness Power ACTIVATE!

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