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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Top 5 Beauty Fetishes

This is me, this morning. I was in a good mood because I woke up early and stayed awake. Always lots to do in the morning.

Today, I feel pretty. I like my hair up. I desperately need a cut & color but cannot afford it right now. Pop is going to Outdoor Science School in December so my hair money went to that this month. Next month is Christmas so... January? ::sigh:: In the meantime, I make do.

I have a few beauty issues, if you will, that I am kind of adamant about. I am calling them "fetishes" in the title because, well, I am kind of weird about them. 

1. Earrings: 

I can’t leave the house without earrings or I feel naked. I know, I’m weird. The ones I'm wearing today are awesome because they are neutral. I do not wear necklaces. I used to but the chain bothers my neck where I have the most issues from when I had Shingles and therefore is a sensitive area for my Fibro "tingles." (Not really sure what to call them, it's like being pricked by a pin...) I like bracelets but they sometimes get in the way when I type or cook; two things I love to do. Also, I won the earrings I have on today from my Mary Kay Director for being The Most Improved Beauty Consultant. Too bad it didn't last. It's a good memory though. Made me feel loved. I have others like that but these are awesome because I can sleep in them.

2. Chapstick:

Lip balm, whatever. I can’t stand dry lips and licking them just makes them hurt. Also, it’s good to have an SPF factor for your lip cover. I love Love LOVE the MK tinted lip balms! They have great colors, SPF and make me feel “pretty” even when that’s all I’ve got on my face. (and apparently they don't sell them anymore!)  Today I have on a very light "neutral" lipstick but lipstick on me is usually gone by the time breakfast is over. I carry chapstick, erm, Lip Balm, everywhere. My niece is more particular about it and I totally appreciated it and started following her lead. Now I carry it around more and I always seem to have one kind or another in my purse. Right now I have three different kinds!

3. Blush:

I have to have blush or I look like Dracula’s bride. Yeah. I have actually had people ask me if I’m sick when I have gone out without blush. Sometimes even with blush! ::sigh:: I have started doing a more bronze-like color for definition and a rosier color for the apples of my cheeks. That's what I did today. It makes me look healthy. Otherwise? Not so much.

4. Mascara:

I have dark lashes but I love mascara. I have found that the brand matters less than the wand (I actually wrote an article about Mascara Wands for, but it appears to be gone now) and heating it is the most important. I like a traditional wand as opposed to a bent or oddly shaped one. For heating I actually run the hot tap and put it in a mug that I keep in the bathroom and let it sit while I do everything else. If it doesn't take too long (read; if I'm not distracted by some child who needs me to find a shoe or button his shirt) the mascara actually gets runny, which is the way I like it. If its cold then it doesn't go on as smoothly. If you can't tell by the pic, I put on like four coats. Yeah. I like mascara. Sue me.

Here is another way to heat the mascara.

5. Hair remover:

This is most definitely a fetish. I hate body hair. It must be shaved, tweezed, waxed or epilated. Oh yeah. I went without "shaving" for almost two years because of an episode of "1000 Ways To Die." Some girl got a flesh eating virus from a dirty razor. Yuck. I waxed. Then I bought this awesome epilator and no, it does not hurt like you think it would. I use it on my arms, underarms, upper legs and various nether-places. Hair. Ew

I did start shaving my lower legs again about six months ago because I was getting ingrown hair and I didn't like the way it looked or felt. I change my razor frequently. It's okay. I know it's freaky, but whatever. It makes me feel pretty to have smooth, clean skin. 

Oh, and I LOVE shimmer moisturizer on my legs! I like to sparkle like some Vampires you may have read about. 

For more info, tips & tricks about beauty, check out my Pin board!

What makes you feel beautiful?


  1. Wow, I hear ya on the blush. I actually have genetic dark circles and about the time I hit thirty I realized I had to have concealer under the eyes and a little bronze blush or else I spend the rest of the day telling people I feel fine. Going to have to try the shimmer moisturizer. I like things that make me feel sparkly and pretty.

  2. Mascara and lip balm are my must haves!

  3. Undereye circles. Oy. I hear that, but it's not a huge issue. It was worse when I was pregnant.

  4. OMG, you look so pretty!!!

  5. Tonia, PM your address... I have something for those undereye circles. ;)


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