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Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday... again?

I'm not feeling well... again. I hope this tummy trouble nonsense goes away ASAP because I have stuff to do. Grr!

In the meantime...

We heard from Pop's coach that he filed a complaint with the officials in charge of everything (football) and we are waiting to hear back. Stupid cheaters!  Anyway, he wants the boys to be able to play and finish out the season on a positive note. That team was stinky. I haven't been able to tell Pop yet because all the boys are at the park playing (yay me!) so I'll tell them at dinner.

Crackle was home for a furlough day. He rode Superman's bike to the library and got some movies. I totally passed out around lunch time and didn't wake up until Snap called for his ride home. Oops. In the meantime I think Crackle bought a movie via Vudu. Grr. I have since deleted my account info. For some reason it was set up so he could order a movie without having to add a code. My bad, but ARGH!

There is another debate tonight and I admit I'll be glad when it's all over. I did not get to see the last one because we don't have TV and I didn't even get to listen to it because we were in the middle of McTeacher's night. That's where the teachers work at McDonald's for a few hours and the money they make from sales goes to the school. I love fundraisers like that so I "made" Superman (haha--anyone who knows Superman knows you don't "make" him do anything) take us. Anyway, it's Monday and usually we don't have anything planned on Mondays outside the home so we might get to watch. 

I'm pretty much the only one interested so we'll see.

I'm feeling a little better but not much. I got chicken out for dinner because it's Chicken Night.

I am not uber organized but I do have a dinner schedule otherwise I want to DIE every night. I hate meal planning!

Sunday = Roast (done!) Usually that includes mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans and occasionally --if I'm feeling bakey-- bread.

Monday = Chicken. Tonight I'm doing thighs cut up and baked like nuggets, Tater Tots & hopefully homemade buttermilk biscuits. I'm in the mood. with mixed veggies.

Tuesday = Taco night! I don't really like frying the tortillas to make the shells but it's been a while so I'm game. We need some tomatoes.

Wednesday = Soup, salad and/or sandwiches. I got the stuff to make Sneert aka Split Pea Soup. It's one of the only soups I like. Actually, I like most of the Dutch soups I make for my family; including Groentesoep. YUM! and Homemade bread, for sure!

Thursday = Pizza or Calzone night, or if I'm not feeling like making the crust; pasta. Either way it's Italian sausage. I want olives this week. Yes. I think I will. Oh and we got Canadian bacon at Costco! I need to get some pineapple. Yummy!

Friday = YOYO or You're On Your Own. aka Date Night

Saturday = BBQ. Usually hamburgers. I used to do hot dogs but Snap informed us he doesn't really like hot dogs. HUH? How did that happen? LOL

There you go. If I stick to this then I'm not befuddled. Otherwise... Dinner comes from a can. Boo for everyone but me.

I got a call from Princess this afternoon. She is visiting her sister in SLC. I told her not to usurp her sister's domain. It happens. Sunshine is busy and happy but I think she misses her family so I'm glad they are together. Princess says she's staying until Friday. Crazy! I miss them. Terribly.

I am getting ready for November's National Novel Writing Month. aka NaNoWriMo. I worked on my page last night and have been thinking about my story. I'm working on a Fantasy novel (book 1 of 3!) with my brother. I'm excited but nervous. We have more planning to do or we'll end up with a lot of gobbledy gook that is unusable. Mostly from me. Haha. 

I'm hoping to take a revision/rewriting class early next year from the same people that teach me all the good stuff. The good folks at They rock

1 comment:

  1. I hope you feel better soon.

    November is such an exciting and ambitious month for you. You're going to need good health and much more. I'll be keeping you on my prayers because I'm excited to see the follow through!

    You inspire me.


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