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Monday, October 8, 2012


I'm still behind on posts. I have some ideas but truthfully the best posts come into my mind around 6:00 AM and that's not good timing. By 8 this morning, I've already done two loads of laundry, made lunches, cleaned off the desk (argh! That's a task!) and made myself some Yummy! “steamed” Almond milk (with vanilla & Splenda—YUM, I tell you!) AND I also already exercised. Today was strength training A and it's done. Woot.

I am missing my girls today. A lot. Mostly Sunshine. She doesn't think I miss her so much and she has no idea how wrong she is. No, I don't miss the power struggle we've had most of her life, but I do miss her strength. I miss her presence. She has opinions too, but I don't think people really know that about her. I remember when she was really small and I used to watch ER and fold the laundry. She would keep me company until one day she said something about doctors, “They make people bleed and cry,” and I thought Whoops! LOL George Clooney was gone? by then so I just stopped watching it.

I could tell what time it was by what show was on. We became a family that watched PBS Kids. We loved The Puzzle Place, Barney, Mister Rogers, Storytime, Reading Rainbow, Wishbone. I loved the Fresh Prince of Bel Air and Sabrina the Teenage Witch and that was fun. Friday nights were the ABC lineup: TGIF. We had our fill of “Did I do that?” from obnoxious Urkel & the shenanigans of the adorable Olsen twins on Full House.

Those were the days.

Now I’m into crime shows and Zombies.

What happened?

Oh. Right. My girls left and now I have a house full of boys and I’ve let my imagination go unchecked for the better part of a decade.

My kids all grew up and we segued from PBS to Nick Jr and the Disney channel where we watched the precocious Hannah Montana aka MileyCyrus grow up. Pop and I watched Handy Manny from the beginning. Good memories watching TV with my kids. As an avid reader I should be more ashamed of that than I am. Truthfully, I have always been there right with them most of the time.
I’m not sure what my girls memories are with me. I know I tried to teach them basics but a lot of what they learned they got from their Young Women leaders—to which I am extremely grateful. I think I cooked with them. I know we worked on chores together but both Superman and I are too picky for our own good when it comes to how things are done.

So today I am thinking about my firstborn and how much I miss her. She was a pretty good baby. I learned everything with her. I didn’t even know how to change a diaper (on a girl) when she was born! My roommate in the hospital showed me! Her favorite thing was the baby swing and she lived in it. We had a lovely battery-operated one that just kept her happy. Perfect. She was my only pacifier baby (Princess preferred her thumb, as did Crackle—Snap only wanted food & Pop only wanted Mom). We dutifully weaned her off of it when she was a year old. Long enough before her sister so as not to confuse her…which was also around the same time we moved her into the big-girl bed.

She was so adorable. I miss her terribly.

If it wasn’t for my precious Nursery babies it would be worse. Maybe that’s what this stretch of nostalgia is… no Nursery yesterday. Huh.

1 comment:

  1. We watched more movies than TV together. I wonder if our kids will ever know how much they mean to us or how much we miss them once they move on.


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