I need to get back in my novel. My word count has not gone
up since last week and that bothers me. Technically I should be at 36,674 words but I am only at 3,365. Most of
that is summary and not content. So I am 33,309 words behind (LOL) and I am not
going to catch up but I am happy to just pick up and keep moving forward. My
next novel should pick up pace as well so I am geared for action for National
Novel Writing Month in November.

In the meantime I am planning on taking a plotting class
from Storywonk.com and I have been listening to Lani & Alastair as they
help us stay motivated and learning. I am excited to Be a writer. I know I can
do this, I just need to do it! I have cut all online games out of my life. I do
not play Words With Friends anymore (in case you were wondering what happened
to me), I am not playing Mahjong or Spider Solitaire anymore. I’m barely
reading! I am reading the book that Storywonk.com is going to review next week
but all my other “for pleasure” reading is on hold. (Just ask my Librarian!)
It’s sad.
So why don’t I have more written? Well, let me think about
I spend too much time on Twitter and Facebook re-tweeting
and reposting. Yes, that’s true. But I don’t feel that badly about that because
that is how I plan to make some money while I am writing and purposely not
looking for any kind of work. I learned how to use another blogging platform—Wordpress (still learning it) and as soon as I
have a little bit of money I will be moving my blog to KatrinaDuvalois.com …
Won’t that be cool? [squeee! I think it’s so cool!]
I have been doing more writing and research for my “job” and
we are gearing up to re-launch a business website so my writing/editing skills
are needed. I can’t feel bad about that either.
What else have I been doing?
Not much.
We had Crackle’s IEP on Thursday and it went really well. I
am so very happy with AVUHSD and the high school staff! We were also approved
by our district to have Crackle be picked up by the bus at 8:30 AM instead of
6:57 AM. I cannot even begin to tell you how happy I am about this! I will have
to adjust my schedule a little but WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
just got a little better for everyone!
Also, Crackle was approved for more O.T. (Occupational
Therapy) for which I have been fighting for since 6th grade when the
O.T. wanted me to exit him; it’s been a FIGHT ever since (she is no longer
there, btw, yappari!). His P.E. and A.P.E. will be on consultation basis because
the program he is in requires off-campus adventures and Mr. Run-Away cannot do
that yet. Maybe by next year? We’ll see and make a call then.
Basically, things are falling into place and as soon as my
car gets fixed things will be even that much better. So, for now…
Write. Write. Write.
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