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Monday, September 17, 2012

blah blah blah Monday

Crackle got on the bus today provided with a pillow and blanket because he claimed he was tired at school and wanted to be allowed to nap.


So I wrote a note and we packed it into his backpack with a sweet piggy pillow and baby blanket.

I got a call a couple of hours later that Crackle did, in fact, take a nap and unfortunately wet himself. 


They wanted me to come and bring him some clothes, which was not an option for me. The VP that called told me he would look through the PE Lost & Found for something for him to wear.

Poor baby.

Yesterday I went through all the laundry I had been doing and got it all ready to hang to dry. It was a lot of work and by the time I went to bed my lower back was killing me. I took my 800mg of Ibuprofen but still woke up in such pain that I cannot bend over today. Meh.

I took two aspirin (Anacin) with two Extra Strength Tylenol about an hour ago and I’m still in pain. I’m due to head over to the school NOW to finish up some homework. Meh.

It’s Book Fair this week! I love Book Fair. I’m hoping I can get over there and help out but I never know.

Superman is finally on his way home. Relief.

Princess was picking out some cute stuff for her b-day present. We won't be together for her birthday so Superman has to buy her something before he can come home.
Of Course.

I’m feeling a little lonely today but I guess that’s good, better than overwhelmed because Crackle is home (for no good reason) or mad because Crackle is home (for no good reason). He is supposed to have his IEP this week but the time and day is up for grabs because so far I’ve received three notices for Wednesday at 9:50 AM or Thursday at 12:40 PM or Friday at 12:30 PM. So one of these days this week I’ll be getting together with half the personnel at AVUHSD and the high school.

Crackle is also supposed to get his braces on Wednesday. We’ll see.
It’s time for dental appointments for the family and that’s a phone call I tend to avoid. I don’t know why it’s such a challenge except that I tend to confuse receptionists with the number of people in my family. Is it really that hard?


I’m hoping it’s a productive week. I’m actually looking forward to my run tomorrow. Awesome!

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