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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Pardon me while I digress...

OR:Hey, it's still Wednesday in Hawaii!

Today I was supposed to write about my issues with commitment but... a “typical” crazy day ensued and in the end I am frantically trying to get this in (it's after midnight, but I refuse to consider it a fail! ...Hey! It's still the 29th in Hawaii! LOL)

So here's the thing...

I took DS#1 to get his braces. ...finally! 
He let me take a “before” and “during” picture but not an after...? seriously? Anyway, I promised I wouldn't post it on Facebook, so I'm not... ;)

Then I had school work and general schmoozing around on the internet and thinking about my writing and blah blah blah blah blah...

AND next thing I know it's time to take Jacob to his MRI appointment.

First, I got lost. Then while trying to input the stupid address into my Navigator I rear-ended some poor schmo bumped another car. He was really nice about it but I insisted he take my info anyway.

I can't afford the bad Karma these days!

Turns out I was half way to Long Beach, okay more like 3/4ths. GAH!

So I finally pull my head outta my arse figured it out and get to the place. 
We park (without having to pay! Relief!) and go for a short walk to the address. It was hidden so I felt a little better that I overshot it by almost a block.


They were *supposed to put him out, as in Anesthesia for the MRI but nobody said anything. There was no prep, no discussion. We got handed some ear plugs, Jacob was instructed to lay still and Voila. (Yes, I got to stay).


So, I got lost, rear-ended somebody drove all the way to Sunset Blvd in Los Angeles for... what?

Fine. I was glad. I didn't want him to have the drugs anyway. The whole thing scared the poop outta me lasttime!

...and off we go.

And I ran out of gas in the Valley (where the 5 and the 14 meet).

You should know that in the last two months(ish) I have run out of gas three times. One of those times I actually ALSO locked the keys in the car.

No, we do not have AAA.

Combine those with the memories (no, mostly not good) of me running out of gas All. Over. The Antelope Valley, and I have a new book title... Running on Empty

I was eventually rescued. (Someone is getting a home-baked treat tomorrow!)

But Lands, what a night!

So... that's my story and I'm sticking to it as to why my blog went up late...

*Doctor's recommendation.

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