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Monday, November 15, 2010


I have been wanting to write about this for a while. Finally, I am taking a moment to express my thoughts on a subject that is obviously (since I'm a Beauty Consultant) important to me.

Someone said, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” There is no direct credit for this saying, just that it originated in Greek literature. Interesting to think that the concept of beauty and who decides what is beautiful is dependent on he who sees. I would imagine that those who are blind can determine a certain level of beauty as well.
Case in point, Shallow Hal, a movie about a guy who is brainwashed into only seeing people as they are on the inside. Everyone he meets is seen through this veil of hypnosis and their physical appearance is altered by their internal beauty, or lack thereof. He meets and falls in love with an obese woman whom he sees as beautiful and slender. Interestingly he even visits a hospital ward of burn victims without having a clue to their deformities. All he sees are young, innocent children. Later, when his “friend” undoes the spell he doesn’t even recognize the woman he loves. (He doesn’t even recognize the beautiful woman he met as a hag—because her inner beauty obviously did not exist). Fortunately he realizes that the external beauty he has been conditioned to believe is transformed and he reunites with his true love (who fortunately for him, forgives him for his folly).
I consider myself an image consultant. My actual title Mary Kay Inc. lets me use is Independent Beauty Consultant. I am here to consult with regarding YOUR beauty. Whatever that means to you!
In July Mary Kay revealed a Beauty Truth statement and it appealed to me in a very real way. It states simply:
Mary Kay believes that beauty is more than just the way a woman looks- it's also an expression of how she feels. From the characteristics that make her unique and unforgettable to the way she touches the lives of those around her to the products she uses to enhance her natural beauty.
A Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant is there to guide every woman in her desire to find ways to express her own sense of beauty. Because no one understands better that all women are beautiful both inside and out.
I cannot convey how much this statement appealed to me! I am here to GUIDE others to their own sense of beauty. How many of us have spent time worrying about how we look? Really the sense of beauty you feel should come from within. I am only here to help enhance what you have, to put together a picture that will reflect what you already feel inside yourself.
So if you haven’t done it yet I recommend looking at my site. There is a virtual makeover; there is information on all kinds of products (you know we don’t just sell lipstick, right). Even videos to help with looks that may or may not require our product! I am here to guide you to your beauty.
May you all feel beautiful, as you should, as you are!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Spending Fast

The other day I read an article on Yahoo news about a bunch of different people and their approaches to “this economy” and their personal battles and choices to combat money issues. I was enlightened by one woman’s goal to go on a “spending fast.” I liked the terminology. It made sense to me and I felt it time to apply such restriction on myself. So I’ve made a commitment.
I informed my family, and a few others that I am now (as of November 1st) on a “Spending Fast.” That means I will no longer spend money on myself. I am not allowed to buy books, shoes, clothing, purses, accessories or any other unnecessary items for myself. I am excluding hygiene products or other health-related items.
My husband, predictably, took this statement tongue in cheek. I get it. I know he’s the type to only believe what he sees, especially when it’s about Me and Money.
You see, Money and I, we have a Love/Hate relationship. I suppose Money is probably aloof about the whole thing but I definitely have issues.
I hope to be checking in now and again during the six months I have committed to this fast. Hopefully our financial burdens will be eased by my taking a more unselfish approach to spending.
We’ll see.