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Monday, February 11, 2013

The Great Mom

Sometimes I bake my own bread. 
Usually I make dinner.
Occasionally I actually get ALL the laundry done.
My toilets are clean--well the ones I'm cleaning are, don't ask about the boys bathroom. I've given up hope.

Today I let my child stay home so we could watch the latest episode of The Walking Dead. (Note: this is not why he is home, but rather why I did not take him late.)
Yeah. I'm a great mom.

I love my kids. Scratch that, I adore my kids.
I miss my girls like crazy. I miss having all my kids home, but I don't.
I think I am handling the 'going off my meds' thing because I only have three kids left at home.
Also, Superman has been, well, Super! He is most definitely my companion and help-meet right now. 
All my kids can make their own meals if need be.
They can clean a toilet (not that they do) and they can all do a load of laundry. 

I believe that being a mom is a thankless job. If you're in it for the appreciation and kudos then find another career. You're not going to find that here. Oh, and it's not about the money either.

It is however, my greatest achievement to have functional, semi-well-adjusted, productive kids who know how to take care of themselves.

I also think the worst kind of tragedy that can ever happen to a person is to lose a child. I have not had to experience this, but I do know many who have. I cannot imagine losing a child to illness, accident or worse; violence. I do not understand mothers that would not step in front of a train to protect their children. I do not understand mothers that disown or cut off their children, but then again, I do. 

This is a weird job, Motherhood. More than a job or a career or even a life choice, it's a way of life. It's a way of choice-making that involves so much more than yourself. 

Pretty much guaranteed I will never win any Mother-of-the-Year awards, but I do love my kids and I think they know that. 

It might not be right, but it's good enough for me.

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