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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Heroes & Babies

I have been feeling introspective during church and a few things have occurred to me while contemplating my goals and where I need to be on my journey.

Here are some thoughts of who and where I want to be:
Being an example of service every day. Be an example of what a "hero" is!
Helping my family serve others at least once a week.
Be mindful of those who need blessings we can provide.
Ask for inspiration on who, what and where God would have us serve.

Last Sunday I shared the story of my friend whose baby died suddenly. It is probably going to be ruled as SIDS; Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and I’m devastated for her and her good husband. I attended the baby’s memorial service because I wanted them to know that I love and support them both. 

I know them individually from each other and separately from their parents. He taught my kids Chemistry for a couple of years and she and I took a few college classes together. Her mother drove me to the hospital a couple of times when I was pregnant with Pop and having horrible pains (and ended up on bedrest—but that’s a different nightmare). They are a sweet, good family and do not deserve this sorrow. Unfortunately I cannot stop the Earth from turning even though I would like to and would have liked to turn it back, if I could. Doesn’t happen—well, only in the movies.

During the memorial service the father got up to talk about his infant son and shared several lessons he learned in the short time they were together. He talked about smiles and hugs, sacrifice and family. It was beautiful. Another speaker got up and shared other things about our beliefs (LDS—The Plan of Salvation) and revealed that in speaking with the couple the baby’s father commented that he wished he could relieve the suffering of those that were suffering with them. Wow! That dude is a keeper. I felt comforted in the fact that he wanted us all to be at peace as he was. I left the services feeling more at peace than I had all week. Thank you sir, you helped heal me.

That man is one of my heroes.

I serve in the nursery. I have served in the nursery before but this time is different. I don’t know if it’s because I’m in a different phase of life (my baby is ten, after all) or if I have just learned more patience over the years, but I absolutely love my nursery babies! I refer to them as “my babies” a lot of times because I truly love them as if they are family. Serving my babies brings me joy every week. When I’m not there I miss them. Their sweetness and beautiful spirits lift me up every time.

I had three babies “graduate” last week and I’m sad. One of them is actually moving away and I’m sad. I adore my babies and am happy when I get a new one. I have actually been “bending the rules” a bit and allowing the mommies to bring their babies in a little early sometimes (the beginning age is 18 months until they turn 3 years). I only have at most six at a time (even when we have visitors) and that’s doable. If you come to visit our ward and your baby comes to visit my nursery I will be happy. I love the babies.

I am so thankful for so many that inspire me to be and do better all the time. I strive to be happy and attentive when I’m with my babies because that’s why they behave so well for me. Also, I’m not extremely picky about how they behave; I just expect kindness and sharing. No hitting or biting and minimal bossing. There is some bossing. It’s fine. I love them and they love me. It’s all good.

Those babies are my heroes. 

They make me feel useful and loved.
They save me.

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