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Saturday, December 22, 2012

SOS Report Days 25-31

Sunday, December 9-Saturday, December 16, 2012 
A little late but thorough...

Season of Sanctification report:

1. Christmas Movie:

Christmas with a Capital C A little preachy but a good message about being kind regardless of return behavior or expectation of reward. Also, starring Ted McGinley and a Baldwin brother (Daniel).

Monday A Christmas Too Many This was essentially a lousy movie but got better toward the end. It's a Hollywood piece, the best part being the appearance of Mickey Rooney. The worst part? Marla Maples. Ugh.

Tuesday A Perfect Day A writer movie. What's not to like? Rob Lowe. He's pretty good in this role (and I'm not a huge rob Lowe fan). I didn't think it was so much a Christmas movie except that the climactic events do take place on Christmas. Also, it's a good message for how to respond to "fame & fortune." (Because, as you all know, first-time authors always get huge book/movie deals -- $300K advance? WTF?)

Wednesday: Noel Kind of sweet. A lot like another movie I watched, Midnight Clearabout a bunch of strangers and their interactions on Christmas Eve. The cast was pretty impressive; Susan Sarandon, Robin Williams, Paul Waters, Penelope Cruz, Alan Arkin... That was pretty cool. 

Thursday: Snow Snow 2: Brainfreeze So Tom Cavanaugh is now my favorite Christmas movie actor. What a cutie, and funny! Here is a modern twist on the Santa Story, how he finds (and re-finds) Mrs. Claus, his mischievous reindeer and wicked ("that's naughty!") tracker/hunter "friend" in these two movies. Loveliness and hilarity. 

Friday: Christmas with Holly The IMDB description of this wonderful movie is wrong. Holly is a little girl who was recently orphaned and is now under the guardianship of her uncle (mother's brother-played DELICOUSLY by Sean Faris of Forever Strong). Based on a Lisa Kleypas book (which is Right Now waiting for me at the Library!), the movie starts with the standing up of a lovely woman on her wedding day. On a ferry to make her new start, aka "Plan B" (I have to love that!), that woman meets young Holly & her (dare I say, freakishly HOTTTTTTttttttssss) uncle. Later we discover that the uncle has moved Holly back to his hometown to raise her with his brothers at the school he attended because her previous school wants to put Holly in a special program because she isn't speaking. Yathink? We learn that her mother passed away only three months before. Ah. A story with MEAT! 

Saturday Recipe for a Perfect Christmas Food & Christmas, they basically say the same thing; Love! And this cute love story starts in a magazine about food and the paring of a food critic, her mother and new restauranteur love triangle. Intrigued? Good. I enjoyed this movie, more than I thought I would. Christine Baranski (no, it's not Cheryl Hines, Kat!) leads this lovely cast on inevitable Christmas misadventures. Another one where they "fall in love too soon," but I don't mind. It is, after all, television.

2. House & Home:

Sunday: Roast for dinner, a clean house & Christmas decorating. Not the best day to be doing housecleaning but it got done and we got our tree decorated, and the rest of the house too. The Festive look makes me happy.

Monday I got dinner out first thing in the morning and going in the crockpot and oven before 2! Go me! Good thing because I went to bed early. Not such a good Fibro day for mommy.

Tuesday: I made a Miracle Masterpiece for dinner. Dry pasta, marinara, water, rotellini? and Italian sausage; cover in foil and bake for an hour until the pasta is soft. Remove cover, stir, add mozzarella cheese and bake for another 20-30 minutes and Voila! Dinner. 
I had a date with the Relief Society (church women's organization) Progressive Dinner. It was fabulous, of course and we got a lovely decoration of "Joy" on blocks; Jesus, Others, Yourself. Lovely!

Wednesday: The two older boys (Snap & Crackle) had a church outing (looking at lights in SCV) & Pop had a "Winter Program" that Superman and I attended. It was nice. Pop is in the "special" singing group and he did a great job! Afterwards the three of us went to a local Mexican place for dinner as they were sponsoring a fundraiser for said school that night. Pop had a quesadilla while Superman and I shared an Enchilada. It was delicious. 

Thursday: Today I did laundry. Superman is going out of town to work. Boys and I went to Costco and ordered Glasses for Crackle & contacts for me. Then we went to Tommy's Burgers for dinner. Chili Cheese Fries... YUM!

Friday: Snap with a friend; Pop with a friend; Crackle & I out to eat on our way to OC for the weekend. Bye-bye messy house!

Saturday: Gone baby gone. 

3. Write:

Yes, another lousy week.

4. Serve:

Yes, another lousy week.

5. Pray & Read Scriptures:

On a pretty good roll as long as I can get online to journal and listen on my phone to the scriptures.

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