One of my mottos is “I cannot tolerate intolerance.” I love oxymoron’s like that. By the same token I have realized that an entire classification of words is offensive to me. Infinitives. Thus I have created another motto; “Never use infinitives, they are always wrong!”
I realize that stereotypes are not always wrong, that’s how they came about in the first place. However, it is seriously ignorant to believe that because a certain group commonly behaves X way therefore ALL of group X ARE this way. What? No! Where is the individualism? Where is the personal choice? What about the exception? There are always exceptions! That’s why infinitives make me crazy.
Infinitives are rude, presumptuous and arrogant. Do not use them around me unless you want to be criticized mercilessly for your obvious ignorance. Common uses: “I am never…” Of course you are! “You are always…” I most definitely am not! Another favorite use, “Every time it happens like this…” Not every time, that’s ridiculous!
Choices are at the root of both my mottos. I believe everyone has the power of personal choice. What we cannot choose are the resulting consequences. We also cannot control others choices. We have to learn to tolerate others freedom to choose. Sometimes the fallout of poor choices affects more than just the one making the choice (which is how bad things happen to good people). Just as we cannot control others choices we also cannot predict them. How often can we even predict our own? Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation we never imagined and suddenly we find ourselves making choices we claimed we would NEVER make! It happens. That is why intolerance is intolerable and infinitives are ignorant. Stay away from them!
While maintaining their stance on marriage (between a man and woman) the church does not contradict its teachings or any of their fundamental beliefs by backing legislature that insures people’s personal rights. We embrace such doctrine! We also allow ourselves the benefit of jurisdiction over church property; thus making same-sex public displays of affection forbidden on such properties, schools or places of worship. That is our prerogative and has nothing to do with personal rights. That couple still has the right to be together in whatever manner they desire, as long as it is not on church property. That’s the issue. We also don’t allow smoking; does that make us racist against smokers? That is ridiculous!
While some may still like to believe that the LDS church is racist, prejudiced, narrow minded and unfair, I tend to believe the opposite. The fact that I am a member is only an indication of what I think they stand for and one of the basic principals is that everyone has their own agency to choose their lifestyle, education, employment, place of residence, mode of worship and familial relationships. It is free choice. The only control they wield is over church membership, properties and privileges. That sounds fair. They make the rules, we can choose to follow or not.
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